Exemplary Open House Award

Attention PREPS Districts! We have launched our CREATIVE AWARDS! This will be an opportunity for you to showcase the creative ways your district has overcome the obstacles of 2020!
Our next award to highlight is the Exemplary Open House Award - What are we looking for? Did your schools host an open house remotely, virtually, or through video in lieu of an in-person open house? If so, please consider applying for this award. Virtual open houses have proven essential in some schools during the COVID19 pandemic. Some schools provided online registration processes, virtual meet the teachers, videos of the school campus and classrooms. What did your school district do? How was it advertised? What was your participation? How did you make students and parents feel a part of the school? To apply for this award please submit artifacts such as videos, slide decks, links, pictures, or a narrative explaining all the ways you advertised your school and acquired all the necessary beginning of the year forms from your students. (If you would like to submit multiple artifacts for this award, please compile all the artifacts and embed them into one PowerPoint or pdf format.)
To apply the district will login to www.talentlms.com and upload artifacts supporting this award. With no extra paperwork and a simple upload, you will be entered in to our system!