MS Public Schools are Better Together #PREPS #PublicSchools #MSREA #MSBetterTogether

We are just checking in to see how you are doing! If you were able to attend our Partnership Conference in March, I believe that you will agree that it was one of our best conferences yet! We had awesome attendance from all corners of the state. We enjoyed seeing the engagement as you had much to offer during our breakout and keynote sessions. We wanted to let you know that we have posted group and candid pictures from the conference on our website, and encourage you to download pics and share them with your community and stakeholders.
Unfortunately, it seems that after our Partnership Conference in March that the world turned upside down. Many of you went on spring break but did not realize you would not have the opportunity to say goodbye to your students and faculty as our school year ended.We applaud your continued spirit and perseverance to keep our public schools going with virtual meetings, online classes, take-home packets, grab and go lunches, and administrators and teachers thinking outside the box to meet the needs of students! You have overcome many challenges and are now planning for an uncertain “new normal." We want you to know that PREPS pledges to help you as you make decisions on reentry and remediation.
Visit to learn more about PREPS. Remember your PREPS membership also includes your membership to the Mississippi Rural Education Association and National Rural Education Association.