Data, Assessment, and Research Symposium - October 1, 2019

We are excited to have Dr. JP Beaudoin presenting a breakout session at our Data, Assessment, and Research Symposium on October 1 at the Clyde Muse Center in Pearl, MS. The session will focus on data quality from the perspective of creating information about student mastery of the MS-CCRS. This information is derived from using a range of technology enhanced items (TEIs) focused on reducing "false positive" data, while concurrently measuring more complex cognitive processes. The presentation will be tailored to the needs of school leaders and key educational decision-makers at the district/school level.
This is a FREE symposium for PREPS member districts. Non-member districts may sign up for a nominal fee. For more information visit our website at under OCT SYMPOSIUM.
Register NOW!
Dr. Beaudoin’s skill-set combines both formal and practical experience in the areas of large-scale assessment, statewide accountability, and educator effectiveness. Dr. Beaudoin has served as a classroom teacher, district supervisor, and state department leader. He combines his technical expertise in product development, plan execution, applied statistics, and psychometrics with a practitioner’s lens to create understandable and actionable solutions. His experience and training as a United States Department of Education Peer Reviewer and as a private-sector vendor has been complemented by a network of highly skilled professionals throughout the education community. Since leaving his position at the Mississippi Department of Education as the Chief of Research and Development/Deputy State Superintendent, he has worked with numerous districts throughout the state in using assessment data to better inform instructional decisions in schools. Recently, Dr. Beaudoin’s company (Advanced Instructional Management-AIM) has trained over 700 science teachers in preparing their students for the new statewide science assessment.